Narrative: -If he has solved the case of who the mass murderer is, how comes he is still in the dimensional universe of him being in the 1970s instead of the 21st century. the episode is restricted to the audience as we only know as much information as the main character therefore meaning that we will only learn more as the character learns more throughout the seasons/ episodes- this will eventually lead us to create our own assumptions of what is/ may be happening as we continue however they assumptions could be proven or corrected the further along we get. Gender: - in the beginning scene of the show it is set in the modern day which shows how both men and female members of the police force are seen as equals and where female police officers can view their opinion on a case and not be looked down upon as well adjudged on their intelligence. This is evident when Sam , the main character, and his girlfriend Maya are partnered up on the case working together to find who the mass mu...