Representation: Within the music video Dizzee represents all the characters through puppets and consists of props only leaving him and a white elderly woman as the main protagonists. He also includes cliché representations as he includes puppets with ginger hair to portray Scottish people, white puppets as the police and black puppets with urban clothing to represent the youth etc. The elderly lady and Dizzee are binary opposites of each other and she is seen in a very polite, upperclass and wealthy woman of the British society whereas Dizzee is seen as part of the youth, lower class and poor. This is all due to their clothing and body language throughout the video- with the woman having perfect body posture and clean clothing yet Dizzee is ‘bopping’ and his clothing is scruffy. However despite the lady not playing a particular big role in the video, some of her actions may begin build questions for example when the police come into the scene at the begin, was she responsible of s...